About PyTextBin
PyTextBin is a versatile Python library facilitating seamless conversion between text, binary, JSON, base64, xml and CSV formats with ease.
You can install textbin through your terminal using pip from PyPI
pip install pytextbin
You can also get the source code by cloning the github repository
git clone https://github.com/Comon-tech/Pytextbin
More info
Inside the textbin.py, there is a Textbin()
class which has the methods:
- to_binary: Converts text to binary representation.
- to_text: Converts binary representation to text.
- json_to_base64: Converts a JSON object to a base64-encoded string.
- base64_to_json: Converts a base64-encoded string to a JSON object.
- csv_to_json: Converts a CSV string to a JSON object.
- json_to_csv: Converts a JSON object to a CSV string.
- xml_to_json: Converts an XML string to a JSON object
- json_to_xml: Converts a JSON object to an XML string
- xml_to_csv: Converts an XML string to a CSV file.
# import textbin
from pytextbin.pytextbin import Textbin
# create textbin_obj instance
textbin_obj = Textbin()
Converting Text and binary
from pytextbin.pytextbin import Textbin
textbin_obj = Textbin()
# Convert text to binary
word = "hello"
converted_word = textbin_obj.to_binary(word)
#Output: 1101000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111
# Convert binary to text
binary = "1101000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111"
converted_binary = textbin_obj.to_text(binary)
print(converted_binary) # Output: hello
Convert JSON and Base64
# import textbin
from pytextbin.pytextbin import Textbin
# create textbin_obj instance
textbin_obj = Textbin()
# Encode a JSON object to base64
word = {"foo": "bar"}
converted_word = textbin_obj.json_to_base64(word)
print(converted_word) # Output: eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0=
# Decode a base64 string to a JSON object
base64_string = "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0="
converted_binary = textbin_obj.base64_to_json(base64_string)
print(converted_binary) # Output: {'foo': 'bar'}
Convert JSON and CSV
# import textbin
from pytextbin.pytextbin import Textbin
# create textbin_obj instance
textbin_obj = Textbin()
# Convert a JSON object to CSV
json_list = [{ 'id' : 12 , 'name' : 'Collins' }]
converted = textbin_obj.json_to_csv(json_list)
Convert JSON and xml
# import textbin
from pytextbin.pytextbin import Textbin
# create textbin_obj instance
textbin_obj = Textbin()
#convert json to xml
json_data = { 'id' : 12 , 'name' : 'Collins' }
converted = textbin_obj.json_to_xml(json_data)
#Output <item><id>12</id><name>Collins</name></item>
#convert xml to json
xml_data = "<item><id>12</id><name>Collins</name></item>"
converted = textbin_obj.xml_to_json(xml_data)
#Output { 'id' : 12 , 'name' : 'Collins' }